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Blockchain in the Digital Economy
InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya
22 Tverskaya streetМосква
International forum on the implementation of blockchain technologies
Ведомости. Конференции
АбдрашитовОлегДиректор лаборатории блокчейн«Сбербанк»
АбелуБенуаОфициальный представитель по вопросам развития цифровых инноваций и технологии блокчейн главного управления по сетям связи, контенту и технологиямЕвропейская комиссия
АрхиповАлексейРуководитель направления развития технологии распределенного реестра«Финтех»
БекРоманПрофессор факультета информационных технологий в бизнесеЕвропейский блокчейн-центр – Университет информационных технологий Копенгагена
БобровИванДиректор по блокчейн проектамВТБ
БуманнНиколасКоммерческий директорA.P.Moller Maersk AS
ВасильевАлександрРуководитель ИТ-проектов и методологии«Дом.РФ»
ВельпуриМанохарДиректор; заместитель председателя; наблюдательAbsolutum soleil в Индии, Сингапуре, Швейцарии и Камбодже; ISO TC 307; UNIN
ДьяченкоМаксимСооснователь, управляющий партнер«Петролеум трейдинг»
КалмыковАлександрРуководитель центра технологии блокчейн«Газпром нефть»
КантышевПавелРедактор отдела технологий и телекоммуникаций«Ведомости»
КапрельянцЭрнестРуководитель направления «Глобальные рынки»«Сбербанк»
КачалинАлексейЗаместитель руководителя центра киберзащиты«Сбербанк»
ЛиндсиЛораСтратег по вопросам национальных стандартовMicrosoft
МаркионниПьетроДиректор по стратегическим вопросамАгентство цифрового развития Италии
МаршалкоГригорийРуководитель рабочей группы по безопасности технологий цепной записи данных и распределенных реестров; член экспертного совета по законодательному обеспечению развития финансовых технологий при Комитете по финансовому рынкуТК26; Государственная Дума РФ
МелехинИванЗаместитель директора по развитию бизнесаPositive Technologies в России
МогилевскийАнтонОснователь, управляющий директорIngvarr
МухановНиколайТехнический директор«С7 Техлаб»
НаквасинСергейДиректор направления «Цифровые технологии»АНО «Цифровая экономика»
ПереверзевСергей Директор по правовым вопросам«Мегафон»
ПоликановСергейИсполнительный директорSberbank CIB
ПоповАндрейЧлен правления, руководитель дирекции информационных технологий«Райффайзенбанк»
ПотаповКонстантинДиректор гражданско-правового департамента«Клифф»
ПрипачкинЮрийПрезидентАссоциация кабельного телевидения России
РязановПавелРуководитель дирекции транзакционного бизнеса«Альфа-банк»
СимбиринАндрейВице-президент; директор по инвестициям«Созвездие капитал»; «Основа»
СкворкВолкерПрофессор по встроенным системам; руководитель групп блокчейн и IoTГамбургский университет прикладных наук; координатор; ISO TC 307
ТолкачевАртемГенеральный директорSputnik DLT
УривскийАлексейЗаместитель генерального директора«Инфотекс»
Хи ОхКаенгГенеральный директорTCA Services
ШайдуллинаВенераЧлен экспертного совета по цифровой экономике и блокчейн-технологиийГосударственная Дума РФ
ШалаевАнтонЗаместитель руководителяФедеральное агентство по техническому регулированию и метрологии


22 - 25 October 2018 – closed 4th meeting of ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies

26 October 2018 – International forum on the implementation of blockchain technologies Blockchain in the Digital Economy

It is no longer a secret that blockchain is a crucial end-to-end technology of the digital economy helping make the economy more efficient. World leaders have long been touting this technology as the gateway to the future. According to research from the World Economic Forum, 10% of global GDP will be localized in the blockchain as early as 2027.

For businesses, the main motivation to implement the blockchain are process optimization and cost reduction. According to the Accenture consulting company, blockchain technology cuts expenses in the banking industry by an average of 30%. In fact, the rate of global blockchain implementation is very high already. Juniper Research, an American research center, concluded that as of August 2017, 57% of companies with more than 20 thousand employees are already implementing blockchain, or planning to do so. The technology is most frequently used in finance, while the main blockchain outsiders are the consumer and power industries. Experts believe that in Russia, blockchain will primarily be the most in-demand in the state and banking sectors, where the main objective is achieving transparency and protecting against data changes.

Within framework of the forum Blockchain in the Digital Economy, which will be held on 26th October, participants will discuss ideas and cases participants will exchange experience and expert opinions through discussions on ideas and cases on the development of blockchain-based projects, effective use of the technology, the role and place of public authorities in this process, and current solvable and unsolvable blockchain issues.


The leading players in the blockchain industry and community will be at the event, including representatives and managers of the largest Russian blockchain companies, large companies interested in the development of blockchain technologies, government authorities, exchanges and banks, brokerage and investment companies, financial institutions and payment systems, integrators, developers, equipment and software manufacturers, modern technology companies, as well as blockchain specialists, private investors, lawyers, analysts and industry experts.

Event format

Consecutive discussion sessions and case study presentations.


Russian and English.

Press for Russian

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26 October

26 October

08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:00
Business briefing. Operation manual: blockchain on a turnkey basis
Session for those who do not understand whether blockchain is useful for their business

Focus of discussion
  • How to understand if blockchain is right for implementing specific business processes?
  • How to select a platform?
  • How to measure economic effects?
  • Where to start implementation?
  • Major mistakes of companies when adopting blockchain.
  • How to avoid unconscious investments that may not pay off?
  • When to expect economic benefits from implementation?
  • How to choose between public and private blockchain?
Sesssion participants
Sputnik DLT
Модератор сессии
Gazprom Neft
10:00 - 10:20
Coffee break
10:20 - 11:50
Discussion session 1. Blockchain as a potential catalyst for changes in the digital economy
Topics of discussion
  • Russia on the global digital agenda.
  • Blockchain's role in the Digital Economy.
  • How can blockchain impact the business climate and processes in Russia and the world?
  • Is the technology mature enough to be implemented in state administration?
  • Business process recalibration. How can organizations adopt new technologies more efficiently, and is it even necessary?
  • Is blockchain in need of standardization? Would it affect the technology's implementation?

Модератор сессии
European Commission
Agency for Digital Italy (AGID)
ANO Digital Economy
Sberbank CIB
Ассоциация кабельного телевидения России
TCA Services
Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology
11:50 - 12:10
Coffee break
12:10 - 14:10
Practical session 2. Applying blockchain technology: expectations and reality
Focus of discussion
  • Blockchain implementation issues in the framework of the current national and international legislation.
  • Fields and effectiveness of applying blockchain on a practical level. How did the company benefit?
  • Analysis of existing and pilot projects for the development of blockchain-based solutions.
  • Test performance experience: is there anything to gain?
  • Blockchain and current business processes: friends or enemies?
  • The functioning of decentralized systems in various jurisdictions. How is cross-border communication best performed?
  • Method of measuring the economic effect of the implementation.
Модератор сессии
European Blockchain Center – IT University of Copenhagen
Petroleum Trading
Sozvezdie Capital; Osnova
14:10 - 14:50
14:50 - 16:20
Discussion session 3. Blockchain for security and security for blockchain
Topics of discussion
  • What do you need to create a secure blockchain system?
  • Hard threats and security issues in blockchain systems. What projects can be at risk?
  • Where is the line between transparency in technology and security?
  • Experience in the audit of information security of blockchain systems.
  • Complying with ethics and the law while implementing projects in Russia.
  • Security for investors. How to protect a company within the legal framework?
  • Using Russian cryptography. Legal reality.
Участники дискуссии
Модератор сессии
A.P.Moller Maersk AS
Absolutum Soleil in India, Singapore, Switzerland and Cambodia; ISO TC 307; UNIN
Positive Technologies in Russia
16:20 - 16:30
16:30 - 18:00
Discussion session 4. International and Russian law for blockchain
Topics of discussion
  • Drafts of legislative changes in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency: how can they help business?
  • International experience in the field of blockchain. Can it be useful for business in Russia?
  • The arbitration court and the collegiums for disputes in the field of digital economy and the blockchain. Will this practice fit in?
  • Opportunities and prospects for the use of smart contracts in Russian legislation.
  • Cryptocurrencies and tokens: legal guarantees of owners, legislative initiatives.
  • The need for the Russian blockchain standard for legal significance.
Sputnik DLT
Модератор сессии
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences; ISO TC 307
State Duma of the Russian Federation
End of business part. Evening cocktail
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For participants
Terms of participation
Price - 20 000 rub + 18.0% VAT
Special Offer
Companies implementing blockchain technology to their business processes and authorities can participate by special invitations without a delegate fee. If you would like to participate in the event, please, forward your application in a free format to Elizaveta Kiseleva, our manager, by e-mail. We will contact you shortly.

The cost of participation for the representatives of regional companies is 10 000 rubles + VAT 18%.

The cost of participation for providers of solutions and services on blockchain technology implementation is 20 000 rubles + VAT 18%.
InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya
22 Tverskaya street
Violetta Rud
Project Head
+7 495 956 3458 доб. 1456
Daria Skilkova
Project Coordinator
+7 495 956 3458 #1619
Anastasia Lukina
Sponsorship Manager
+7 495 956 3458 #3172
Elizaveta Kiseleva
Ticket sales
+7 495 956 3458 #1481
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