план деловых мероприятий «Ведомостей» →




9:30 am – 10:00 am. Participant registration and morning coffee

10:00 am – 11:30 am. Session 1. Doing Smart: a digital leap for HR

Digital transformation is a key pillar in the development of modern businesses. HR departments are experimenting dynamically with digital tools, but only one-third of companies are poised to actually assess the effect of using Industry 4.0 technologies and clearly define the financial benefits expected from investing in HR innovation on a massive scale. During the strategic session, HR Directors of major employers will discuss the investment potential of implementing advanced technologies in HR, which HR processes should be reviewed and digitalized, and which modern solutions will result long-term business benefits in complex competitive conditions.

Ruslan Vesterovsky, Deputy Governor, Bank of Russia

Topics for discussion
  • Digital as a business need. How to ensure success in the era of digital transformation?
  • Significant changes in the labor market bringing on the era of smart machines.
  • Where is ROI from the implementation of HR tech already evident? What HR areas most urgently require reimagination and new solutions?
  • Opportunities and risks integrating smart technology in HR operations. What bottlenecks have to be considered?
  • How does the role and mission of HR expand with the digital transformation of an organization?
  • What cutting-edge HR technology is Russia not yet ready to adopt and why?
Denis Karasev, Director of Personnel Development Department, Aeroflot
Vladimir Khimanych, Managing Director for Work with Personnel, Raiffeisen Bank
Yana Kudryavtseva, HR Director, IBS
Julia Kuznetsova, HR Director, General Electric
Valentina Vatrak, Director of Corporate Development and Personnel Management, Megafon

11:30 am – 12:00 noon. Coffee break

12:00 noon – 2:00 pm. Session 2. HR tech in action. Projects with proven effectiveness

During this session, HR Directors of leading Russian and international companies will discuss the most successful practices of implementing technological innovations in HR management.

Olga Filatova, expert, consultant on HR-tech, talent and organization management

Topics for discussion
  • How can HR technologies work in an employer's favor? Innovative solutions changing HR and optimizing HR department operations.
  • How does the hiring, training and adaptation of personnel change with the advent of Industry 4.0?
  • How does AI help control labor efficiency and retain employees?
  • HR analytics as a basis for decision-making. How does the use of analytics make HR divisions more productive?
  • Advanced programs and digital technologies to manage the motivation and engagement of employees.
  • Innovative personnel assessment tools.
Evgeniya Dvorskaya, CEO HR Tech of Sever.AI, Severgroup Talent Tech
Nikolai Matveev, CEO, Teoriya avtomatov
Olga Primasyk, Head of HR Supply Organization, IKEA Russia
Olga Selvazshyk, Deputy General Director, Telemed
Ivan Semenov, Vice President of HR and Supply Management, R-pharm
Juan Tinoco, Head of Human Resources, General Affairs and General Procurement for Spain and Portugal, LG Electronics
Alexander Zaretsky, President, Metlife

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Lunch