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Annual Telecom Forum is

  • A communication platform recognized as the leading venue by the country's professional telecom community.
  • The core sectors’ representatives brought together in one venue.
  • The relevant problems and best case studies.
  • The meaningful dialogue between business and public authorities.
  • Efficient networking.
  • Top company leaders.

    The Focus of Discussion
  • World of telecommunications in 2016. What will happen to the market and what will be its future?
  • Modern threats. Regulatory policy and government support for Runet protection.
  • Telecom and media synergy in today's environment. New technologies and their penetration in TV broadcasting.
  • The development of a new generation of communications in Russia.
  • New operator cooperation models.
  • Current marketing and loyalty strategies

    What's new at the Telecom 2016 Forum?
  • The Speaker’s Speech. Interviews with top managers of mobile operators.
  • Art objects exhibition.
  • Multimedia space.
  • Matchmaking is the system of individual meetings.

    Forum's audience
    Top players of Russia's telecommunications market, the «big three» operators and foreign telecommunications companies, the Ministry of Communications, the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service, the Ministry for Economic Development, digital TV operators; content suppliers, telecommunications equipment suppliers, wireless Internet operators, investors, analysts and industry experts.


    09:00 – 09:30. Registration, morning coffee

    09:30 – 11:00. Special session. Another reality of telecom
    Ballroom A

    The need for transformation has become an issue for many companies in different sectors. The future of worldwide telecommunications is now inevitably connected with mobile financing, OTT, and media. New companies are entering the market of services and applications transmitting their traffic through net providers. Telecommunication companies are no longer competing only with other companies in the sector, but also with those whose business depends increasingly on providers and who also contain some elements of telecom. It is the well-timed decision to effectively transform the company that becomes the major factor of its further development at this time.

    • Transformation of the telecommunication business. Switch of brains.
    • Competition or cooperation?
    • Effective models for the change.
    • Telecoms as a new business paradigm.

    Igor Tsukanov, Deputy Chief Editor, Vedomosti business daily

    Dmitry Chernyshenko, General Director, Gazprom-Media Holding
    Andrey Dubovskov, President, Chairman of the Board, MTS
    Sergey Emdin, CEO, Tele2
    Vitaly Krylov, CEO, Gett Russia
    Alexey Marey, Chief Executive Director, Alfa-Bank
    Mikhail Slobodin, General Director, VimpelCom

    11:00 – 11:30. Coffee break

    11:30 – 13:00. Discussion session 1. Telecommunications market. On the way to consolidation?
    Ballroom A

    The Russian market has achieved maturity: the shares of its key players are stable, new technologies have been introduced, and the income growth has slowed down. At the same time, price wars still remain the market realitys, providers still face the need to invest into net development to confront the macroeconomic volatility and to jointly stand up for the interests of the sector in front of the OTT providers. At many foreign communications markets the similar circumstances have led to consolidation. Is consolidation possible at the Russian telecommunications market? What forms can it take?

    • Consolidation at foreign telecommunications markets: reasons, similarities and differences in comparison to Russia.
    • What changes has the competition suffered in the Russian telecommunications market in recent years?
    • Back to growth. How to prevent further decline in income per client?
    • Recent M&A transactions in the telecommunications sector. How to duly evaluate the asset value in terms of macroeconomic volatility? How do the players of the sector estimate the prospects of the possible market consolidation?

    Oleg Salmanov, Editor of the Technology and Telecommunications, Vedomosti business daily
    Igor Tsukanov, Deputy Chief Editor, Vedomosti business daily

    Special Presentation: International practices of the consolidation in the telecommunications markets overview
    Mikhail Romanov, Partner, Leader of the Communications, Technology and Media Support Group, EY

    Vasil Latsanich, Vice President for Marketing, Board Member, MTS
    Alexander Popovsky, Executive Vice President for Corporate Strategy and Business Development, VimpelCom
    Denis Shiroky, «Business» business unit Director, MTT
    Evgeny Vasiliev, General Director, MTT

    13:00 – 13:30. Coffee break

    13:30 – 15:00. Discussion session 2.1. Communications providers fighting for efficient business
    Ballroom A

    In these tough times for business, the best recipe for company development should not be violent competition for the clients, but fruitful and strategically reasonable cooperation. During the discussion session, the participants will talk about what do companies undertake under their partnership agreements and what models of cutting their expenses they chose in short- and long-term period.

    • Building and operation of new generation network infrastructure. What challenges do companies come across taking the path of RAN Sharing? Joint operation experience: pros and cons.
    • Selling and leasing. What are the benefits of the shared use of «passive» infrastructure?
    • Outsourcing and insourcing: what to bet on?
    • Financial effectiveness of the company's technological reorganization.
    • Role of the providers and the possibility of their cooperation in shaping the public communications policy.

    Oleg Salmanov, Editor of the Technology and Telecommunications, Vedomosti business daily

    Andrey Azhigirov, Director of Business Unity «Communication between providers», MTT
    Alexander Bashmakov, Infrastructure Director, Megafon
    Aleksander Chub, President, Russian Towers
    Andrew Kantsurov, Head of licensing work in the field of communications, Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media
    Lyudmila Smirnova, Chief Financial and Administrative Director, Tele2
    Dmitry Shepelyavy, Deputy General Director, SAP CIS
    Martin Shkop, Executive Vice President for Infrastructure Development, VimpelCom
    Xu Xueming, President of Carrier Business Group, Huawei Russia
    Elena Zayeva, Chief of Administration for Communication Regulations and Informational Technologies, Federal Antimonopoly Service

    13:30 – 15:00. Discussion session 2.2. Surf's Up! New generation communications in Russia
    Ballroom B

    With voice communications income decline, data transmission keeps growing dynamically, involving the growing number of customers into the content consumption, usage of the Internet-services, as well as the transmission of the texts, voice and video via IP. Accelerating technology growth hits the classic consumption model. This trend opens unlimited possibilities for new business development and additional monetization of provider services.

    • How to stay on top by changing the existing business models?
    • Digital explosion worldwide. Its future in Russia.
    • Today's subscriber: his profile, needs and dependence on global trends.
    • Experience of OTT providers’ cooperation with telecoms providers. What are the benefits?
    • MVNO business. First outcomes of Voice over LTE.
    • Traffic transmission priority. Do providers need it?
    • 3G, 4G, 5G… How does mobile traffic consumption change?
    • The Internet of Things at government and commercial service.

    Eldar Razroev, the Expert

    Tigran Pogosyan, Senior Vice-President, ZTE Corporation - Svyaztechnologii (ZTE)
    Aleksander Scherbina, Deputy CEO, Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Russia
    Denis Shiroky, «Business» business unit Director, MTT
    Svetlana Skvortsova, Strategic Planning Director, Tele2
    Mikhail Tregubenko, Senior Manager, EY Advisory

    15:00 – 16:00. Lunch

    16:00 – 17:30. Discussion session 3.1. Threat protection
    Ballroom A

    Rapid global changes along with growing technology level of penetration impose the rules. To protect Runet and personal data from existing threats, telecommunications and Internet providers need the state support and well-balanced regulatory policy. How will it affect real business and what are expectations of communications providers in 2016-2017? Participants will discuss this with the sector regulators.

    • Modern threats to telecommunications companies and their subscribers. How to prevent and withstand them?
    • Individual, state and business. How to strike the balance between data protection, the struggle against threats and business requirements?
    • Regulatory policy in the protection sphere of Runet. State requirements and real possibilities of the operators. Where is the limit to desire to control the traffic?
    • Fragmentation threat to the Internet: is it a myth or reality? Freedom limitation as payment for security.

    Andrey Kolesnikov, the Expert

    Alexey Basov, Vice President, Rostelecom
    Natalia Kovalenko, Partner, Head of Cross-Sectoral Group, Pepeliaev Group
    Artyom Kozlyuk, Founder of Roskomsvoboda; Board Member of the Association of Internet Users
    Dmitry Marinichev, Internet Ombudsman for the President of the Russian Federation
    Ilya Sachkov, CEO, Group-IB
    Don Stikvoort, the pioneer of Internet security in Europe; Co-Founder, S-CURE

    16:00 – 17:30. Discussion session 3.2 New TV business formats
    Ballroom B

    According to many experts, Russia's pay-TV market is one the fastest growing markets worldwide. Providers are betting on this business, in particular with falling revenues on key indicators. However, the pay-TV market continuously transforms in order to adapt to fast penetrating technologies. Thus, companies need to invest and keep up with the times and even get ahead. The session will be focused on the routes providers take and their efforts in the current environment.

    • Audience trends for broadcast, pay- and IP TV. Review of viewers’ preferences and video content consumption models.
    • Generating content and competitive service portfolios for pay-TV subscribers.
    • New technologies and their penetration in TV, digital broadcast TV, HD and Ultra HD: supply and demand, investment and return on investment, the strategy and reality.
    • OTT TV providers, media holdings and IPTV providers. Who wins?
    • Can foreign streaming media companies develop in Russia? Is there a threat?

    Konstantin Ankilov, Managing Partner, TMT Consulting

    Andrey Batanov, General Director, NETBYNET Holding
    Mikhail Goryachev, Content Director, National Satellite Company
    Dmitry Kulakovsky, Director of Marketing and Business Development, MGTS
    Vitaly Shub, President's Adviser, TTK
    Alexey Trotsyuk, General Producer, Yellow Black & White

    17:30 – 18:00. Coffee break

    18:00 – 19:00. Discussion session 4. Like! My favorite subscriber
    Ballroom A

    Changing business conditions modify positioning strategies of telecom providers. One thing remains unchanged; subscribers are always the top priority for all businesses Participants will discuss the following topics: positioning and loyalty strategies selected by providers, their real effects on business, the most efficient changes for retaining subscribers.

    • Shifting the focus on subscribers. What does adjusted audience-winning strategies change?
    • Subscriber consumer behavior. What services are in demand?
    • Audience monetization: best practices. Mobile advertising: beyond the good and the bad.
    • Mobile apps - new options for communication with the audience.
    • New methods to win subscriber loyalty.

    Nikolay Bogatischev, Director of Service and Sales, Megafon. Retail
    Elena Naumchik, Co-Founder, CLICK
    Eldar Sokolov, Editor in Chief, Sostav.ru
    German Yurtaev, Director of sales and service, MGTS

    19:00. – Evening cocktail
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    * - Additional confirmation is expected