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Sustainable Tourism: Global Challenges and Discovering Russia
Mountain resort Rosa Khutor
hotel RadissonSochi
Ведомости. Конференции
АвербухЛевЗаместитель директора РосзаповедцентраМинприроды России
АлиевМахирРегиональный координаторООН Окружающая среда (UN Environment)
БакироваРафиляДиректор«Заповедники Оренбуржья»
БачинСергейГенеральный директор«Роза Хутор»
БолотоваЕкатеринаДиректорЛандшафтное бюро «Эстетика пространства»
ГоршковДмитрийДиректор программы по сохранению биоразнообразияВсемирный фонд дикой природы
ГрицунМаринаПредседательСоюз организаторов детского активного туризма
ДанилинаНатальяДиректорЭкоцентр «Заповедники»
ДусикЯнГлавный советник по стратегическому взаимодействию в Арктике и АнтарктикеПрограмма ООН по окружающей среде
ЖдановаЛюдмилаЗаместитель директораНациональный парк «Угра»
ЖелезнякАлександрЭкспертОбщероссийский народный фронт
ЗахаровВладимирГлаваЦентр устойчивого развития и здоровья среды
ИглзПолПрофессор факультета туризма и рекреацииУниверситет Ватерлоо (Канада)
КавильяЖеромОснователь, генеральный директорAtemia
КастроПаулоЧлен совета, вице-президентEuroparc Federation
КириловАлександрДиректорНациональный парк «Русская Арктика»
КузнецовВладимирДиректорНациональный парк «Башкирия»
ЛайлиСирилДиректорGrand Chambery Alpes Tourisme
ЛиховИльяОснователь, генеральный директорNeоsun Energy
МеньщиковБорисИ. о. директораСочинский национальный парк
МоирГрантИсполнительный директорНациональный парк Кэйрнгормc (Шотландия, Великобритания)
МошкалоВладимирРуководительПредставительство Программы ООН по окружающей среде (UN Environment) в России
ОмельченкоВладимирЗаместитель директораФедеральный центр детского туризма и краеведения
ПалауДжордиДиректор Boumort & Cadi National Game Reserves (Каталония, Испания)Женералитет Каталонии (региональное правительство Каталонии)
Патиньо ОкампоМария ХименаПрезидентSaving The Amazon
ПеговаОльгаЗаместитель директораКавказский заповедник
ПестряковАлександрПредседательНорильский городской совет депутатов
ПеховаИннаПредседатель отраслевой комиссии по гостиничному бизнесу и туризмуАссоциация менеджеров России
ПоляковНиколайЧлен правленияАссоциация горных гидов России
ПрокошПитерОснователь, председатель правленияLinking Tourism & Conservation
РитчиКэролИсполнительный директорEuroparc Federation
РобинэОливьеЗаместитель руководителя департамента международного сотрудничестваМинистерство экологии Франции
РубашкинаСветланаДиректорАгентство развития Норильска
СааведраДелиРегиональный директорRewilding Europe Foundation
СалаЭнрикВедущий исследователь, руководитель проекта Pristine SeasNational Geographic
СалмановКамалПредпринимательСемейное предприятие Family Fruits and Tours
СалмеронАльваро ФернандесТехнический директорНациональный парк Сьерра-Невада (Андалусия, Испания)
Сантакруз РестрепоКлара АйнесЭкспертSaving The Amazon
СтепаницкийВсеволодСоветник генерального директора«Дальневосточные леопарды»
СтройковАлександрГлава правленияGBCRussia
СутулаВасилийДиректорБайкальский заповедник
ТеребихинДенисСоучредительОбщина «Хаски-тыал»
ТитовскийАлексейДиректор департамента госполитики в сфере ООПТМинприроды России
ФетисовВячеславСоветский и российский хоккеист, государственный деятель
ХвостоваАннаРуководительКраснополянский горный клуб
ЧубаковаЕленаПрезидентАссоциация «Большая Байкальская Тропа»
ЧхебелияОксанаДиректорЛодж-отель «Байкальская резиденция»
ШатковскаяЕленаДиректорНациональный парк «Кенозерский»
ШевелевСергейДиректорКавказский заповедник
ШирокийСергейВице-председатель Всемирной комиссии по ООПТ (Северная Евразия)Международный союз охраны природы
ШпароМатвейРоссийский полярный путешественник и общественный деятель


Ecotourism (nature-exploration tourism), outdoor recreational activities, hiking trips to natural landmarks, and adventures away from civilization constitute a fast growing segment of the travel industry. Every year the number of tourists who prefer that kind of travel increases by dozens of percentage points. In many countries ecotourism has become mainstream, offering ample opportunities for both business and socio-economic development at the local and even national levels.

In Russia, the market for quality ecotourism services is taking its very first steps. Challenges facing the domestic industry of outdoor recreational activities have an impact on a number of sectors, including government regulation, tourism services, environmental protection, infrastructure development, equipment and technologies, professional competencies, and educating the new generation.

Sustainable Tourism: Global Challenges and Discovering Russia, an international conference, will take place in Sochi from the 17th to the 20 th of October. Well-known subject-matter experts, managers of natural protected areas, specialized tour operators, experienced guides, industry representatives and environmentalists from all over the world will gather for a comprehensive discussion about challenges, opportunities and milestones on the path towards sustainable development of ecotourism in Russia and worldwide; they will also outline a plan to cooperate in order to achieve further progress.

Conference organizers include: Slava Foundation of Vyacheslav Fetisov, the UN Goodwill Ambassador for the Arctic and the Antarctic, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia, the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism), Sports Tourism Federation of Russia, Roszapovedcenter – a government agency for the development of specially protected natural areas and the Interros Group.

Press for Russian

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17 October
18 October
19 October
20 October

17 October

08:00 - 18:00
Arrival and Registration
18:00 - 21:00
Hotel Radisson Rosa Khutor, Black&Gril bar
Welcome cocktail for conference participants, informal evening program

18 October

08:00 - 10:00
Hotel Radisson Rosa Khutor
Arrival and Registration
10:00 - 10:30
Hall Moscow
Keynote speech. A New Age of Discoveries
Hall Moscow
Kirill Tokarev, Chief editor, Presenter on the channel, RBC

Ecotourism is a new, rapidly-developing industry worldwide. In Russia, ecotourism development goals have been laid out at the highest state level. Ecotourism development holds great promise, presents exciting opportunities and requires a special approach that takes into account the fragility of our natural world, which is a key component of travelers’ expectations and experience.

Vyacheslav Fetisov, State Duma Special Envoy for Interparliamentary and International Public Organizations on the Development of Athletics
Sergey Mironov, President, Federation of Sport Tourism of Russia, Deputy of the State Duma
Oleg Safonov, Head, Federal Agency for Tourism
10:30 - 12:00
Hall Moscow
Plenary session. Challenges and Opportunities
Hall Moscow
Kirill Tokarev, Chief editor, Presenter on the channel, RBC

Sustainable development is the result of concerted efforts by people who find ways to cooperate in today’s fast-paced, complex environment, and who strive to make the world a better place for generations to come. Ecotourism sets a new standard for the industry’s development and raises the bar for everyone involved, from the business community, to the government, environmental agencies and grass-roots movements. Change for the better will not happen on its own accord, and it will not take place without careful planning and diligent efforts founded on mutual respect, partnership and dedicated leadership.

Sergey Bachin, Director General, Rosa Khutor Resort
Jan Dusik, Head, Principal Adviser, Strategic Engagement for the Arctic and Antarctic, UN Environment
Boris Menshchikov, Acting Director, Sochi National Park
Carol Ritchie, Executive Director, Europarc Federation
Enric Sala, Founder and Lead Researcher, National Geographic’s Pristine Seas
Sergey Shevelev, Director, Caucasus State Nature Reserve
Matvey Shparo, Russian Polar Explorer and public figure
12:00 - 13:00
Coffee Break
13:00 - 14:45
Parallel Break-out sessions
13:00 - 14:45
Hall Moscow-1
Break-out session. Traveler on a Trail
Hall Moscow-1
Alexander Zheleznyak, Expert, All-Russia National Front

How do we assess the prospects of ecotourism in Russia on the domestic market and internationally? Itineraries are a key component of any tourist product, and should be the focus for all stakeholders. We will focus on international experience, look at examples of outstanding achievements, and consider new challenges and their solutions.

Elena Chubakova, Head, The Great Baikal Trail Association
Paul F. J. Eagles, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Marina Gritsun, Chairman, Council of the Union of Organizers of Chindren’s Active Tourism
Svetlana Rubashkina, Head, Norilsk Development Agency
Olivier Robinet, Deputy Director for international affairs, Ministry of Ecology of France
Alvaro Fernandez Salmeron, Technical Director, Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain)
Vasily Sutula, Director, Baikal Nature Reserve
13:30 - 14:45
Hall Moscow-2
Break-out session. In the Natural Realm
Hall Moscow-2
Anton Muravyev, Director of the Department for the development of public relations, Interros

How can we integrate tourist products in pristine natural environments, including specially protected areas? How can tourism be used as a driver for environmental programs? How do we make pristine natural sites a part of product offerings to tourists? How can we build infrastructure, provide services and ensure profitability while keeping nature our number one priority?

Dmitry Gorshkov, Program Officer for Biodiversity Conservation, WWF
Alexander Kirilov, Director, Russian Arctic National Park
Viktor Matasov, Director, FSBI Taymyr Nature Reserve
Maria Ximena Patino Ocampo, President, Saving the Amazon (Columbia)
Jordi Palau, Director, Boumont & Cadí National Game Reserves (Spain)
Peter Prokosch, Founder, Linking Tourism & Conservation (Norway)
Deli Saavedra, Regional Manager, Rewilding Europe Foundation (Spain)
Clara Ines Santacruz Restrepo, Expert, Saving the Amazon (Columbia)
14:45 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 18:30
Parallel workshops
Please choose your workshop carefully, as it may be difficult to change your selection at the venue due to limited seating.
15:30 - 18:30
Hall Barcelona
Workshop 1. European Charter for Sustainable Tourism and Best Practices for Sustainable Development of Protected Areas in Russia
Hall Barcelona
Europarc Federation is the largest association of specially protected areas in Europe, including national parks. Over its many years in operation, the Federation has developed toolkits (standards, methods, certificates, guidelines) to address the often divergent interests of parks and businesses seeking to operate within their boundaries.

Paulo Castro, Vice President, Europarc Federation (Portugal)
Natalia Danilina, Director, Zapovedniki Environmental Education Center
Grant Moir, Chief Executive, Cairngorms National Park Authority (Scotland)
Alvaro Fernandez Salmeron, Technical Director, Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain)
Alexandra Yakovleva, Deputy Director for Development, Kenozersky National Park
15:30 - 18:30
Hall Athens
Workshop 2. Green Hotel for Green Tourism
Hall Athens
Environmental protection is not limited to biodiversity alone. It also involves reducing your environmental footprint, for example through the use of innovative and resource-conscious solutions. Representatives from the Russian Green Building Council (GBCRussia) will discuss green building standards and turn-key technological solutions for tourism.

Lev Averbukh, Deputy Head, Roszapovescenter of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
Ekaterina Bolotova, Director, Estetika Prostranstva landscape architecture bureau
Ilya Likhov, CEO and Founder, Neosun Energy
Alexandr Stroykov, Head of the Board, GBCRussia
15:30 - 18:30
Hall Beijing
Workshop 3. Taking Care of the Next Generation
Hall Beijing
Active tourism for children, summer adventure camps and research expeditions for children build a foundation for the sustainable development of outdoor tourism. It brings young travelers into nature’s fold, teaching them leadership skills and cooperation, and helping children to grow into strong, successful and responsible adults. This workshop will raise the topics of hiking trips and camps for children, as well as look at foreign practices in organizing outdoor tours for children.

Marina Gritsun, Chairman, Council of the Union of Organizers of Chindren’s Active Tourism
Vladimir Omelchenko, Deputy Director, Federal Centre of Children’s Tourism and Regional Studies
Carol Ritchie, Executive Director, Europarc Federation
Elena Shatkovskaya, Director, Kenozersky National Park
Matvey Shparo, Russian polar explorer and public figure
15:30 - 18:30
Hall Vancouver
Workshop 4. The French and Russian models of Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development of Tourism
Hall Vancouver
France and Russia are countries with a rich culture, strong traditions and strong- willed people who have repeatedly found the opportunity to learn from each other in the historical perspective. According to various estimates, the share of the tourism industry in France’s GDP ranges from 7 to 10%, while in Russia it does not exceed 2%. The ratio of indicators for natural tourism in our countries is even less favorable towards Russia. French and Russian experts willcompare the principles and practices of cooperation between the authorities and business in the domain of development of nature tourism in both countries.

Jerome Caviglia, CEO, Atemia (France)
Oksana Chkhebelia, Director, Lodge Hotel 'Baikal Residence'
Cyril Laily, Director, Gand Chambery Alpes Tourisme (France)
Inna Pehova, Chairman, Sectoral commission for hotel industry and tourism of the Russian Managers Association
Olivier Robinet, Deputy Director for international affairs, Ministry of Ecology of France
15:30 - 18:30
Hall Moscow-1
Workshop 5. The Impact of Recreational Activities
Hall Moscow-1
All human activities impact the environment, and tourism is no exception. How do we measure the environmental impact of tourism, what risks should we consider, and how do we manage those risks?
Tourism development projects should be combined with initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment. How should such initiatives be put in place and integrated in projects, and how should we assess their impact?

Paul F. J. Eagles, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Dmitry Gorshkov, Program Officer for Biodiversity Conservation, WWF
Maria Ximena Patino Ocampo, President, Saving the Amazon (Columbia)
Jordi Palau, Director, Boumont & Cadí National Game Reserves (Spain)
Clara Ines Santacruz Restrepo, Expert, Saving the Amazon (Columbia)
Deli Saavedra, Regional Manager, Rewilding Europe Foundation (Spain)
Vyacheslav Shcherbakov, Director, Stolby State Nature Reserve
15:30 - 18:30
Hall Moscow-2
Workshop 6. Tourist Expectations, Experiences and Risks in the Wilderness
Hall Moscow-2
Some like to go on nature adventure trips alone, while others invite their friends and family. Still others, real trail-blazers, lead fellow adventurers down their secret paths. Why do people seek to distance themselves from civilization? What do they find in the wilderness?
Are they ready to face the dangers waiting for them where there are no roads, houses and means of communication? This workshop is a master-class by tour operators who successfully organize trips to the most remote and hard to reach sites of natural beauty.

Anna Khvostova, Director, Krasnaya Polyana Mountain Club
Vadim Mamontov, Founder and CEO, Russia Discovery
Olga Pegova, Deputy Director, Caucasus State Nature Reserve
Nikolay Polyakov, Member of Board, Russian Mountain Guides Association
Peter Prokosch, Founder, Linking Tourism & Conservation (Norway)
Sergey Shirokiy, Regional Vice-Chair, North Eurasia IUCN WCPA
Vasily Sutula, Director, Baikal Nature Reserve
15:30 - 18:30
Hall Seoul
Workshop 7. Tell Your Journey Story
Hall Seoul
Today’s world can fit in the palm of your hand: it’s enough to just tap the screen of your smartphone. But still, personal examples, a good piece of advice and a useful hint are just as important in today’s whirlwind of digital data as they always have been. Let’s talk about how to promote ecotourism using modern communication tools.

Elena Chubakova, Head, The Great Baikal Trail Association
Enric Sala, Founder and Lead Researcher of the National Geographic’s Pristine Seas
Kamal Salmanov, blogger/guide, entrepreneur, Family Fruits and Tours family-run business
Denis Terebikhin, blogger/guide, co-founder of the Husky-Tyal Community
Svetlana Yushkova, expert of the Department of ecological education, Stolby State Nature Reserve
19:00 - 22:00
Berloga restaurant. Take the Olympia gondola lift to 1,100 m
Gala dinner

19 October

08:00 - 09:00
Groups gather for field trips
09:00 - 15:00
1. Park of waterfalls Mendelikha

Difficulty: medium
Length: 2.5 km
Time required: 4-5 hours

Waterfall Nature Park is located on the South slope of the Aibga ridge in the Mendelikha riverbed, 1,472 meters above sea level. Arriving at the trailhead via a cable car, we will hike along a picturesque mountain trail surrounded by the thunder of the waterfalls. The sight of seven waterfalls, with the highest vertical drop of 77 meters, will leave everyone in awe. Our tour guide will tell the story
of the Mendel family, in honor of whom the area received its name, and will share information about local flora and fauna.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, trekking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses, and a hat.

Please note: the itinerary goes through a border region, please bring your passport or other ID with you! You won’t be able to access the Waterfall Nature Park without
your ID (passport).

2. Health trail at the Rosa Khutor Resort

Difficulty: medium
Length: 3 km
Time required: 2.5 hours

The walk goes through the tree-covered part of the Psehako Ridge, where hikers can admire the magnificent mountain forest of giant trees, moss and vines. The trail includes three circles of different length and difficulty, climbing from 580 to 732 meters above sea level. The itinerary includes 919 stairwell steps, crosses 13 mountain springs and two waterfalls. Hikers will attend a hands-on educational workshop, where resort guests can learn about the unique nature of the Caucasus on the Black Sea side, and the guide will share the history of the region, as well as provide information about local plants and animals.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, hiking shoes, drinking water and a hat.

3. Outdoor enclosure animal park and Caucasus Reserve Visitors’ Center

Difficulty: easy
Length: 9 km with car transfer
Time required: 3 hours

The Visitors‘ Center at the Caucasus Nature Reserve, which constitutes a large part of the Western Caucasus World Heritage Site, will uncover the secrets of the region’s unique natural environment. The outdoor enclosure animal park is home to more than 25 rare animal species: wild hog, fox, raccoon dog, bison, wolf, roe deer, sika deer and other animals endemic to the Caucasus.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, hiking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses, and a hat.

4. Yuriev Khutor hight-altitude valley

Difficulty: medium
Length: 8 km
Time required: 4-6 hours

The Yuriev Khutor trek’s destination is an eponymous high-altitude valley, an isolated landmark surrounded by the majestic cliffs of the Kamenniy Stolb mountain outcrops.
Once they reach their destination, hikers will find themselves enveloped by a unique atmosphere of calm and serenity away from the hustle and bustle of busy crowds.
The hike will begin at 1,350 meters above sea level and will take us along the northern edge of the Aibga ridge. Crossing the ridge going south-east and gently gaining in altitude, hikers will take in the breathtaking views of the peaks of the Main Caucasus Ridge, towering above the clouds on the other side of the Mzimta river.
After climbing to 1,900 meters above sea level, trekkers will step into the protected area of the Yuriev Khutor high-altitude valley, where the snow melt lasts through the end of summer, only the wind or a stray rock disturb the quiet, and wild animals – bears and chamois – visit these parts more frequently than men.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, hiking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses, and a hat.

5. The Achipse river valley

Difficulty: medium
Length: 6 km
Time required: 5 hours

The itinerary starts at the outdoor enclosure animal park of the Caucasus Nature Reserve and takes us down the right tributary to the Mzymta river on the right side of the Achipse river. We will walk through the flood plain forest on the riverbank, cross the river via a suspension bridge to reach the confluence of Assara and Achipse rivers, and then will walk up a short way to the Rudovaya river mouth. One can see animal tracks on the wet soil: foxes, wild hogs, roe deer, raccoon, wolf and bear. High up above, crows, black hawks and buzzards trace the sky. Deep in the woods one can spot other birds, including woodpeckers, jays, and tree creepers.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, hiking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses, and a hat.

6. Khmelev Lakes

Difficulty: medium
Length: 18 km, car transfer
Time required: 5 hours

We will first drive up a picturesque mountain road to 1,800 meters above sea level, where we will take a walk through a large meadow nestling the karst lakes. From there we will walk up to an overlook with a view on the Great Caucasus Ridge.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, swimsuit, hiking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses and a hat.

7. Medoveevka

Difficulty: easy
Length: 25 km, car transfer
Time required: 5 hours

We will visit a remote mountain village Medoveevka to enjoy calm, serenity and the crystal clarity of the autumn in the Caucasus. The tour includes a visit of Endemik, a colorful artisanal brewery, where you can taste several kinds of the original craft drink, brewed using unique local water.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, hiking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses, and a hat.

8. Matsesta tea

Difficulty: easy
Length: 75 km, car transfer
Time required: 5 hours

A mere 20 minute ride from Sochi center, everything changes when we reach the Matsesta valley nestled in the mountains of the Caucasus. Matsesta tea plantations cover more than 170 hectares, a place of clean environment within the Sochi metropolis. We will see how tealeaves are grown, harvested and processed. You can participate in master classes, take beautiful photos in one of the most breathtaking corners of the resort, and, of course, enjoy the taste of the best kinds of black and green teas in the world.

Equipment: windbreaker jacket or a rain-gear in case of rain, comfortable clothes covering arms and legs, hiking shoes, drinking water, sunglasses, and a hat.
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 17:15
Parallel Break-out sessions
15:30 - 17:15
Hall Moscow-1
Break-out session. Sustainable tourism: New Imperative or New Opportunity?
Hall Moscow-1
Anton Muravyev, Director of the Department for the development of public relations, Interros

Environmentalists and tourism industry representatives often find themselves on opposing sides. However, when it comes to ecotourism, their positions often align and reinforce one another. We’ll discuss issues causing the most heated debates and examine the best examples of fruitful collaboration among stakeholders from all over the world.

Paul F. J. Eagles, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Alexander Kirilov, Director, Russian Arctic National Park
Viktor Matasov, Director, Taymyr Nature Reserve
Vadim Mamontov, Founder and CEO, Russia Discovery
Alexander Pestryakov, Chairman, Norilsk city council
Vyacheslav Shcherbakov, Director, Stolby State Nature Reserve
Vladimir Zakharov, President, The Center for Environmental Policy of Russia
Alexander Zheleznyak, Travel Expert, All-Russia National Front
15:30 - 16:30
Hall Moscow-2
Break-out session. The Road Travelled and The New Horizon
Hall Moscow-2
Dmitry Kolosov, Director for Environment and Sustainable development, Rosa Khutor Resort

European experience and the Russian way. This discussion will focus on the differences, advantages and disadvantages of the European and Russian systems of sustainable management and development of protected areas, and how they foster conditions for tourism development within their borders.

Lev Averbukh, Deputy Head, Roszapoves center of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
Rafiliya Bakirova, Director, Orenburg Natural Reserves Natalia Danilina, Director, Zapovedinki Ecocenter Vladimir Kuznetsov, Director, National Park «Bashkiriya»
Grant Moir, Chief Executive, Cairngorms National Park Authority (Scotland)
Peter Prokosch, Founder, Linking Tourism & Conservation (Norway)
Carol Ritchie, Executive Director, Europarc Federation
Elena Shatkovskaya, Director, Kenozersky National Park
Lyudmila Zhdanova, Deputy Director, Ugra National
17:15 - 17:40
Hotel Radisson Rosa Khutor
Coffee break
17:40 - 18:00
Hall Moscow
Special presentation. Coming Back Home
Hall Moscow
Kirill Tokarev, Chief editor, Presenter on the channel, RBC

Synthesis of key theses formulated in the course of the discussion that took place at all the Conference’s venues.

Paulo Castro, Vice President, Europarc Federation (Portugal)
18:00 - 19:30
Hall Moscow
Closing plenary session. The Global Challenge and Discovering Russia
Hall Moscow
Kirill Tokarev, Chief editor, Presenter on the channel, RBC

Drafting the conference resolution to define key areas for the application of the collective efforts of all stakeholders interested in developing ecotourism.

Natalia Danilina, Director, Zapovedniki Environmental Education Center
Vadim Mamontov, Founder and CEO, RussiaDiscovery
Vladimir Moshkalo, Head, UN Environment
Carol Ritchie, Executive Director, Europarc Federation
Sergey Shirokiy, Regional Vice-Chair, North Eurasia IUCN WCPA
Vladimir Zakharov, President, Center for Environmental Policy of Russia
20:00 - 22:30
Hall Moscow
Farewell cocktails

20 October

Departures or an additional individual day to relax at Rosa Khutor
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For participants
Terms of participation
Price - 7300 RUB To buy ticket click here
Mountain resort Rosa Khutor
hotel Radisson
Daria Gracheva
Project Head
+7 495 956 3458 #1505
Anton Muravyev
Business program
+7 925 005 4437
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