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PwC (Кипр)
Россия и Кипр: уроки кризиса и перспективы сотрудничества
InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya
ул. Тверская, д. 22Москва


Евгениус Евгениу

PwC (Кипр)Президент


Выпускник Imperial College London (Великобритания), член Института дипломированных бухгалтеров Англии и Уэльса, а также член Института дипломированных бухгалтеров Кипра.

Профессиональный опыт

Президент Российско-Кипрской бизнес-ассоциации, член Правления Агентства Кипра по продвижению инвестиций (CIPA ) и член Торговой палаты Никосии.
Начал свою карьеру в PwC в 1990 году. Стал партнером в 2001 году. Работал в PwC в Лондоне, Афинах и Москве.

Evgenios Evgeniou

President of the Cyprus-Russia Business Association CEO of PwC Cyprus


Evgenios graduated from Imperial College London and he is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus. He has attended leadership development programs of PwC and at INSEAD.

Professional experience

President of the Cyprus-Russia Business Association, a member of the Board of the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) and a member of the Board of the Nicosia Chamber of Commerce.
He started his career with PwC in 1990 and was admitted to partnership in 2001. He has worked with PwC in London and on secondment in Athens and Moscow. Prior to assuming his current responsibility, he was a member of the firm’s Executive Board, the Banking and Capital Markets leader and the HC leader. He was also a member of the management team for the Assurance practice of PwC in continental Europe.